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Pizza Trucks of Canada

Pizza Trucks of Canada

Peerless Ovens and Pizza Trucks of Canada join forces to offer fully customized mobile food trucks featuring 2324P and 2348P ovens which are the perfect size for cooking up the perfect slice!

As the food truck industry continues to grow, Steve Moynes and his crew at Pizza Trucks of Canada have found themselves busier than ever — and Peerless Ovens has been more than happy to go along for the ride.

Over the years, Moynes’ company has become one of the leaders in the mobile food industry and concession world. Pizza Trucks of Canada has built mobile pizzerias that are in use throughout the United States and Canada, and as far away as Australia. There’s a good chance you’ve seen some of his work at an outdoor event in your community.

As his business grew, Moynes said he was looking for a well-built but compact deck oven for his customers. His search led him to the space-saving Peerless line, and the rest is history.

”We were looking for a good workhorse of an oven that was relatively compact in size,” Moynes said. “I did a Google search and typed in ‘compact ovens’ and Peerless came right up. One of the first installs we did using a Peerless 2324P was for Brucci’s in Jacksonville, Florida. We’ve been using Peerless ovens ever since. We started designing the inside of our trucks and trailers to fit Peerless products, both single deck and multi-deck models.”

Moynes said the Brucci’s truck was an immediate success.

“We design each truck for their specific circumstances. But for the traditional pizza guy, we use the Peerless deck ovens,” he said.

Peerless has been successfully installed in various-sized trailers, according to Moynes. For example, Winkyz Pizza & Snackz in Keewatin, Ontario uses the compact C131 in its 20 X 8 X 7.6 tandem trailer. In western Australia, Mezzy’s Pizza went big with a Peerless 2348P. And back in in Flagstaff, Arizona, Fratelli’s Pizza had a 2324P installed in it’s very compact trailer. That trailer measures out at 8.5 feet wide, 6.6 feet high and 14 feet long.

But no matter which Peerless model is installed, Moynes said all his customers are more than pleased with the performance of the ovens.

“We’ve had absolutely no problems with the Peerless products we install,” he said. “And our customers can’t believe how well these ovens cook the way they do. They can regulate the heat with the ventilation system that’s built in, and they can do large volume while still putting out a high quality product.”

Moynes was also quick to point out that all Peerless Ovens are able to take the heavy workload, along with the extra wear and tear being in a truck can bring.

“These ovens are well built, solid. Plus they’re not all that heavy, not top-heavy or bulky. We’ve built tons of other concession trailers and trucks, and this is by far the best deck oven for being out on the road,” Moynes said.

“Peerless has also done a great job of adapting their ovens for mobile use. We felt we needed flat feet on the bottom so we could bolt the ovens down better, and they designed that for us. And if any of our customers need a part, they have no problem getting them. In fact, my customers in the States get great service. They can call Bryan Huntley at Peerless and get all the help they need,” he added.

Steve Moynes, Owner
Pizza Trucks of Canada
26138 Dugald Road
Dugald, Manitoba
Canada ROE OKO
(204) 853-7770

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