(419) 625-4514


Bait House Brewery

Bait House Brewery

Many customers mistakenly think that a deck oven wouldn’t be able to keep up during busy times, have an acceptable throughput, or produce a consistent, quality product, but Alivia has become a believer in the Peerless CE131PE.  “The consistency and quality of our pizzas has improved so much that I would always recommend Peerless Ovens, absolutely,” McGookey stated, adding that the Bait House would be considering adding an additional Peerless Oven in the future.

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Ice House Pizzeria & Grille

Ice House Pizzeria & Grille,Conneaut Lake, PA From Pizza to Doughnuts, Ice House Pizzeria & Grille Discovers the Flexibility and Performance of the Peerless 2348P Gary Hite has owned and operated multiple restaurants in his career, but it is his latest venture that has turned him into a loyal customer of Peerless Ovens and fan of the 2348P model. Ice House Pizzeria & Grille in Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania opened earlier this...

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Mary Zifers Pizza Shop

Mary Zifer’s Pizza Shop, Dover OH Thanks to wonderful, loyal customers, Mary Zifer’s pizza shop has been serving the area since 1953, a successful family pizza operation that has used the same Peerless 2324P oven the entire time! The Mary Tomabene Zifer Family was raised on the three P’s: Pizza, Pasta and Pasta-Faggiola-Italian Bean Soup. The pizza she made for her family was not like what people know as pizza...

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Roma Pizza

Roma Pizza, Kennebunkport, ME Luca Pizzuti, owner/operator of Roma Pizza in Kennebunkport, Maine, loves his Peerless 2324P for its large cooking capacity and ability to keep up during busy times Luca Pizzuti, owner/operator of Roma Pizza in Kennebunkport, Maine, has been in business for nearly eight years, and he’s been using Peerless Ovens the entire time.  When speaking with us, he explained what he was looking for in an oven...

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Roots Tree Hill Farms

Small Footprint Fuels Farm to Table Concept Darby Livingston had been a farmer in Indiana for years when he came up with an innovative concept – a farm-to-table restaurant where he could provide the freshest possible ingredients to make the best possible food. The only question in his mind was what form this new venture would take. “Our original thing is our farm, that’s our main business,” Darby explained, “but...

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